Saturday, August 31, 2019

Should Cigarette Smoking Be Banned

Smoking has been part of our life for many centuries now. It has evolved from simple tobacco type rolled in leaf to a more refined stick that has filter. Many people because of the smoke it produces. Many studies have suggested that smoking carries with it many different disease complications and that it should be limited if not totally banned. In my opinion smoking should definitely be banned in public places as it not only has deleterious effects on the non smokers present there but also may cause allergic coughing to many people. Besides, many youngsters are fascinated by the act of smoking and try to imitate it which may later develop into a habit. The first and foremost argument for the implementation and regulation of a smoking ban is very obviously, health related. No one who smokes is unaware of the various ill effects that it has. The number of chemicals that are present in one single cigarette is mind boggling. And regular smoking can lead to severe health conditions like oral cancer, lung cancer, etc. Why someone would want themselves to go through such an ordeal is beyond most people. While smokers may argue that it is an addiction, what they cannot answer is that: is this addiction stronger than the value of their lives? The more they smoke, the more susceptible they become to adverse health conditions. So, there's no real motive for people to want them to stop smoking, in private or in public, but for their own better health. Smoke which arises when a person smokes a cigarette, bide or cigar is more hazardous to a passive smoker who inhales the smoke being in close vicinity of the active smoker. The smoke being inhaled by the former is unfiltered thereby causing more ill effects. Several pulmonary diseases such as cough, bronchitis, asthma and last but not the least carcinoma of lungs may occur as a consequence of smoking. Next, this may be the most overused argument for people to stop smoking in the presence of other people: the passive smoking effect. It's not like they don't know that they are putting others' health and lives in danger, they do it in spite of it. Smoking around people has an effect on their health as well. Sometimes, these conditions can get even worse than those of the smokers themselves. Where's the justice in that? People who smoke get affected, and people around them, because of them, get affected too. It's high time smokers realized their intentional ignorance and took some responsibility. If not for themselves, at least for those around them. If they argue about their ‘rights' being infringed by banning smoking, what about the rights of those getting affected by their incessant puffing? Are they not entitled to clean fresh air to breathe. The clean, fresh air that smokers make it so difficult to maintain. Many countries such as India have implemented a ban on public smoking. It has become mandatory to have no smoking zones in all eating joints, recreation centers etc. This practice may seem as a curbing of ones right to freedom especially to the smokers but surely this step will go a long way in achieving a healthier life style. Many people who gradually become aware of the ill effects of smoking are turning towards dead diction centers to get rid of this habit. Even the advocates of smoking in public areas disapprove of the practice when it comes to their off springs. Witnessing the elders smoking kindles similar desire in a youngster thereby giving birth to a new generation aft smoker. Advertently or inadvertently, smokers do tend to influence those around them. Whether it is a teenager who's just entered high school, or a young child watching his father smoking at home or even a working professional who is trying to fit in with his colleagues; it is very easy to get influenced by someone who is seen smoking, especially when the smoker gives it so much importance and glorifies it like it is the best thing to do. This definitely has an impact on what the person thinks about smoking, and it more often than not, leads people to begin smoking. If smokers argue that it is up to the people to make their own decisions and that they shouldn't smoke if they don't want to, then they are very highly underestimating the power of peer pressure. In conclusion, To avoid these evils of smoking and ensure a healthy platform for the youth it is not only our duty but need of the day to condemn such practices if not completely then at least socially.. Claiming smoking withdrawal symptoms is just an excuse that smokers take refuge in. What they do not realize is that they have the power to control, and eventually stop the terrible habit that has affected and continues to affect millions across the globe. Will they not make it a better, cleaner and safer place to live in for their own future generations? So, if an answer is required for the question: should smoking be banned in public places or even in private areas, then it is a very straightforward one: YES, it should! In general, I think the world be a better place without cigarettes. However, the decisions as to whether to smoke or not should be for each individual to make.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Impact of gamma rays on the germination

To find out LD50 dose for the seed and urther investigate the influence on germination and seedling parameters. The experimental results revealed that the percentage of germination had decreased after irradiation and the effect become stronger with increase of gamma dose. Parameters such as germination percentage, speed ot germination, mean daily germination, peak value and germination value had significantly decreased with increased irradiation doses. Similarly seedling parameters viz. , Root length, Shoot length, Vigour index and Root/Shoot length ratio expressed higher reduction at higher doses as compared to non irradiated control.The study clearly indicated ncrease in the deleterious effects of gamma irradiation at regular intervals, with attainment of LD50 at a dose of 1. 50 kGy. Keywords: Gamma irradiation, Groundnut, Seed germination, Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L. ) is popularly known as peanut. It is one of the world ‘s most popular oil seed crops, cultivated in more than 100 countries of six continents. It is the single largest source of edible oils in India and constitutes roughly about 50 percent of the total oilseeds production.Among the major Groundnut growing states there has been consistent increase in area under cultivation in Andhra Pradesh. The groundnut seed mainly comprised of protein, fat, carbohydrate which make it sensitive to radiation induced stress. Among the environmental stresses, the radiation is the most important factor, which limits production of groundnut. This would result in drastic reduction in crop yield and magnitude of reduction would depend on groundnut varieties. Not only the yield of Groundnut but also the quality of products decreases under radiation stress.The seed stage is a convenient phase in the plant's life cycle for use in radiological studies to determine relative radio sensitivity of species and the effects of various actors on radio sensitivity. Earlier experiments in this field have indicated that io nizing radiation could cause permanent genetical effects, lethal or beneficial mutations, morphological modifications and other effects in plants. Several factors may be involved in the inhibition of germination and the growth of the plants from seeds following their exposure to high irradiation doses.A number of radiobiological parameters are commonly used in early assessment of effectiveness of radiation. Methods based on physiological changes such as inhibition of seed germination and hoot and root elongation have been reported for detection of irradiated legumes. Therefore, in present study the response of groundnut seed (cv. Narayan') to gamma radiation stress on germination and seedling parameters of groundnut was investigated compared to non irradiated seed. ASIAN J. EXP. BIOL. SCI. VOL 4 (1) 2013 61 Impact of Gama Rays on the Seed Germination and Seedling Parameters of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ M. Aparna et al. MATERIALS AND METHODS T he material for the present study comprised of seed of groundnut variety Narayan'. 100 seeds were taken in 0. 1 mm thick polythene bags of 1 5 X 22cm dimension and ealed. The bags were exposed to gamma irradiation wit n doses ot O 1. 30, 1. 50, 1. 70, 1. 90, 2. 10 and 2. 30 kGy. Samples were irradiated in continuous gamma sterilization plant (GC 5000, designed by Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology, Mumbai) with 444 TBq (12000Ci) and Cobalt60 source with a specific activity of 3. 01 kGy/hour at Quality Control Laboratory, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500 030 and were compared with the observations made on untreated control. The material for irradiation was placed in an irradiation chamber located in vertical drawer inside the Lead flask. Radiation field was provided by a set of stationary Cobalt60 source placed in a cylindrical cage. The source was doubly encapsulated in corrosion resistant stainless steel pencils and was tested in acco rdance with international standards. Two access holes of 8 mm diameter were provided of service sleeves for gasses, thermocouple etc. Mechanism for rotating/stirring samples during irradiation is also incorporated. The quantity of absorbed dose (kGy) can be defined as the amount of energy absorbed per unit mass of the matter at the point of interest. The experiment was carried out as per Completely Randomized Design CRD). The irradiated seed along with nonirradiated control were sown in petridishes in the laboratory. Data on germination and seedling parameters were recorded seven days after sowing under ambient condition. Germination percentage was calculated using the formula as per ISTA [10].Speed of germination of the given sample was calculated according to the formula given by Maguire [16]. Similarly, other germination parameters viz. , Mean daily germination, Peak value (Edwards [9]) and Germination value (Czebator [7]) were calculated. Seedling parameters like Shoot and root length were measured using ten seedlings ollected at random from each sample on 7th day from the seeds subjected to germination test. The shoot and root length were measured in centimeters (cm) using a scale and root/shoot length ratio was calculated using the estimates of seedling length.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Richard Nixon and the WaterGate Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Richard Nixon and the WaterGate Scandal - Essay Example The edifice of the Watergate scandal has been based on corruption, espionage and antidemocratic activities, ostensibly based on ensuring President Nixon, a second term in the Oval Room. However, certain facts like the Vietnam war, the release of Pentagon papers, and growing public resentment for his policies were serious impediments to this objective and had to be dealt with a firm, and if necessary, strong arm methods. This was ensured by use of the CIA and other governmental agents to discredit the President's political opponents, and seek to ensure his victory in the Presidential elections. He was able to achieve re-elections but he was constrained to pay the final price in terms of loss of his office and personal humiliation amidst a political scandal that rocked the entire country and shocked the world into mute speechlessness. At the time of instigating the Watergate scandal, President Nixon was not aware, or did not make himself to visualize that his political career would leave him a bitter and disillusioned man, devoid of moral principles and ethics that are the hallmarks of a strong and committed leader.This entire episode started when, while conducting security checking at the Watergate hotel, a security guard noticed a door prevented from closed by the use of tape. He removed the tape and continued with his check However, he was dismayed to find, that on his return, the door was reaped. He informed the police about the burglary. The police arrested five persons from the office of the Democratic National Congress, who had been illegally repairing wiretapping equipment and taking photographs of documents. Likewise, before the burglary in the Watergate Hotel on June 17, 1972, when a group of five burglars, who were members of a group of anti-Castro Cuban refugees called 'Plumbers', broke into the Democ ratic Party's National Committee offices, the term "Watergate" had no greater implication to the Americans and the entire world, rather than an office and a sumptuous apartment complex in Washington, D. C. As a result of the 'third-rate burglary', "it came to be associated with the greatest political scandal of that century and would change the lives of the many people involved" - principally the then President Richard M. Nixon and as for the present day political system, it imparts great meaning. (U.S., 2008). In the current American Background, the term Watergate has become a common phrase which denotes and expresses the fall of Richard Nixon, one of the most outstanding political figures of the 20th century America and the world. He had refused to hand over incriminating tapes illegally recording the conversation he had when he served in the White House. He refused to hand over the tapes even during the Supreme Court Proceedings. The Court had no other option but to impeach the President, but he preferred to resign rather than face impeachment. The former President of the USA was the only conspirator in the Watergate scandal who did not go to jail. "The lessons learned by these events are enormous. The story of Watergate is a complex and deep one full

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

How do concepts of exile and masquerade operate in handmaid's tale, Term Paper

How do concepts of exile and masquerade operate in handmaid's tale, and comfort woman - Term Paper Example The book touches on many themes the most prominent being that of women’s rights, and also those of exile and masquerade. The theme of exile is most prominent in the ‘Unwomen’ segment of society. It also frequently appears in the desire that many characters have for voluntary exile from the Giledean state. The Comfort Women is a painful story woven around the lives of two women. One is the story of Akiko a Korean comfort women1 married to an American missionary. The other protagonist is her daughter struggling to come to terms with her life specially her cultural identity. The theme of exile in this book is present in the book because the characters are in places physically and emotionally in which they feel disconnected from reality. Akiko after the hell that she goes through struggles to survive alone in America and also to maintain a balance between her spiritual life and her external American life. Her daughter on the other hand is embarrassed by her mother’s obsession with the spirit world because it is something that has no connection to her American life. The book also has element of the theme of masquerade in the sense that Akiko hides who she really is from everyone around her including her daughter. In a way she wears a mask to hide the marks of what the past has left on her. The theme of exile is an important one in Handmaid’s tale. Those exiled are victims of the society’s structure, in the sense that they either could not fit into any of the categories assigned by the government or they have been disconnected from mainstream society simply because they serve a function that society does not want to highlight. One category is the ’Unwomen’. This does not include only women but in fact political rebels, homosexuals or anyone who does not fit into any of the categories. They have been exiled from society forced to live in toxic waste dumps in the fringes of society. This category is used as at

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Exam Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Exam Questions - Assignment Example Web marketing entails use of web sites and search engines to provide information about the prices and other aspects of firm’s brands to the consumers. Email marketing on the other hand involves marketing of brands through the use of messages sent to the existing and potential consumers. Social marketing, one of the most used marketing channels in the contemporary business world, entails use of social sites that includes Face book, You Tube, Digg and Twitter. The concept of perceived benefits and perceived sacrifices indicates that for a customer to experience his or her value, the perceived value or the gain of acquiring the product must be higher than the cost of acquiring the product. An organization can adopt three major value parameters. First, a firm must provide a marketing strategy that meets and exceeds customer needs. Secondly, in a service industry, a firm should ensure that its customers feel comfortable and valued, based on the services provided by the company. Thi rdly, in a manufacturing industry, customers must be provided with a service that is of higher value as compared to that of the competitors. Internet marketing that is aimed at matching customer value and reflecting on extensive marketing effectively applies the concept of perceived benefit and perceived sacrifice. ... Similarly, Virgin Company has a culture of placing its customers at the centre of its operations. For example, the company has embarked on market research and innovation in order to come up with products that meet the needs of its customers. The Consumers are satisfied when they perceive that psychological costs as well the cost of conversion of sacrifices to benefits are lower that the value they will receive. Thus there is need for companies that aim at creating strong positive customer product relationship emulate internet marketing that provides valuable information to the consumers. By upholding customer value, McDonald’s and Virgin Atlantic have created strong customer base resulting to high sales and sustainable profit for the firms. Similarly, the customers have become loyal towards the firms brands an aspect that has resulted to repeated purchases and strong relationship between the firms and the consumers. Question B Marketing myopia is a marketing term that indicate s that any firm or business will do well at the end if the firm concentrates on consumers and its aim is to meet the customer needs rather that the products the firm sells to the customers. Many financial organizations thought that Virgin would be a threat when it entered United Kingdom market in the middle 1990s since it allowed postal strike of the workers and introduction of products that caused a lot of competition in the market. Virgin aim was to do away with monopoly of firms and products thus many thought that virgin was a threat to the existing business. The introduction of virgin in United Kingdom led to transformation of many companies for example a firm like

Monday, August 26, 2019

Nutrition Science with menu I created Assignment - 1

Nutrition Science with menu I created - Assignment Example When ordering, you will not order partial cases. For example, if you need 8 No 10 cans, order two cases. Plan a one-day menu including serving sizes from the foods listed at the end of this document. When a food is portioned to be an individual serving in the list included in this assignment, use that as the serving size. For example, dry, uncooked cereal is on the list in single serving boxes/cartons that range from 0.75 to 1.375 ounces. If you use one of them as a menu item, the serving size will be the same as the weight on the list. For other foods, Table 2.4 (12th edition) in Food for Fifty or 4.1 (13th Edition) is very helpful in determining some serving sizes. For example, nearly all vegetables, which are typically portioned with a number 8 dipper, i.e.,  ½ cup, are listed in the table as being a 3 oz portion. This means they weigh 3 oz. This does not mean 3 fluid ounces. USE FORM 1 FOR YOUR MENU PLAN. Failure to use the form will result in a 5 point deduction. You will need to prepare a purchase order for the foods and ingredients you need to serve your newly planned menu to 50 people. Use the attached form, FORMAT FOR DETERMINING PURCHASE INFORMATION, Form 2. The list of foods includes the price. It will also indicate the size of an institutional package/case and the contents of the case. 1. Using FORM 2, list all the menu items including any ingredients you will need to make the menu item in the first column. For example, in the sample, for scrambled eggs, both eggs and milk are listed. Then in the second column, list the amount you will need to make 50 servings. If you need a partial can or package please indicate that in the column titled Quantity to serve 50. If the product comes in 1 oz or approximately 1 oz (cereal) or 4 or 6 oz portions (juice, pudding, yogurt, etc), indicate in the â€Å"Quantity to serve

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Criminal justice - Assignment Example This paper focuses on the shortcomings of the present criminal justice system of United States and presents some recommendations simultaneously. The United States criminal justice system has been a matter of concern for many legal experts due to the issue of ethnic and racial biasness. Racial discrimination and suppression of African Americans is no new happening in United States. In fact, United States has been in focus due to the same. Unfortunately, the criminal justice system still has the germs of this discrimination. Despite the fact, that African Americans just form a small minority in the country their chances of imprisonment are eight times higher than White Americans. Moreover, chances of imprisonment of Asian Americans are three times higher than White Americans. Official reports reveal that during a two year time period in Maryland, more than 70 percent cars stopped for searching were of Black people. Moreover, police did not find anything at all in 90 percent of those searches (Cole & Smith, 2007). Moreover, many states officials accept that for investigation and arrests, their first targets are always blacks and other ethnic minorities. Not only this discrimination is on the ground level but also at the higher levels of system since these minorities have a higher chance of getting higher fines and punishments for minor crimes. Since majority of the officials in this present system have germs of discrimination, an independent review committee can solve the problem to some extent. That committee would have legal experts from all minorities and would listen to review petition of individuals who think that they were discriminated on basis of race. Even if this system would not be able to provide 100 percent accuracy and non-biasness but still it would, give a hope and message to the minorities of the United States that the government wants to ensure a legal and fair trail system (Cook, 2001). The primary method of

In What Ways are Stereotypes Portrayed and Opposed in The Hour of the Essay

In What Ways are Stereotypes Portrayed and Opposed in The Hour of the Star and A Doll's House - Essay Example The novella The Hour of the Star depicts social stereotypes that are faced by modern women especially when they are in a cohabitating role. In contrast, the play A Doll’s House depicts the stereotypes faced by women in the nineteenth century especially in context of the institution of marriage. Furthermore, the play also reflects on the state of nascent feminism on the rise during the nineteenth century. This text will analyse the various stereotypes depicted by and opposed in The Hour of the Star and A Doll’s House in detail. The novella The Hour of the Star revolves around the life of an average woman Macabe’a whose life is portrayed in urban as well as rural settings to highlight the various stereotypes that exist in these settings. Macabea’s boyfriend Rodrigo who is shown as short of a respectable character has narrated the entire novella. Macabea serves as the novella’s protagonist and works as a typist in the poor slums of Rio as one of lifeâ €™s most unfortunate creatures. The protagonist has been shown as a simple person who loves movies, Coca-Cola and her boyfriend Rodrigo who fails to live up to her expectations. ... Typically, it is assumed that men will detach themselves from a woman when she is unattractive or when they have fulfilled their purposes from a woman. This stereotypical image of men is carried throughout the novella and is portrayed as an evil based in the instinct of men. The element of regret is also coupled to Rodrigo’s actions later in the novella as he realises that Macabea might have outward misery but inside she is free. Rodrigo as the narrator notices that Macabea is miserable yet she has no understanding of how unhappy she should be in her condition. This method of projecting the protagonist as an independent and carefree person despite the immense problems is also a stereotypical approach used in feminist literature. In addition to the above, this novella portrays various stereotypical images of women in a society dominated by men. Macabea’s day-to-day life is portrayed as a single uneducated woman’s struggle to merely survive in a sexist society (Bri cklebank) despite having a boyfriend to protect her. Cohabitation has been given a stereotypical approach where it is assumed that two people living together do so out of love and respect. However the practicality delivered in the novella elucidates that cohabitation may only be nothing more than two people living with each other because they tend to deal with each other’s dependencies. Again within the context of cohabitation the protagonist is shown as losing more than gaining from this relationship which in turn provides a feminist touch to this work. Another facet of stereotypes depicted in The Hour of the Star revolves around the assumed characteristics of rural people in urban settings.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Lessons Learned Book Review on Colin Powell Essay

Lessons Learned Book Review on Colin Powell - Essay Example The first challenge he faced was the investigation of the My Lai Massacre. Later, Powell's assessment was alledged to be a whitewash. But this is one of the many instances where Powell's image has been exploited to serve the irresponsible behaviours of the Administation. Powell mentioned in his autobiography that he is haunted by the nightmare of the Vietnam War (Powell, 1995). From 1987 to 1989, Powell was Ronald Reagan's last National Security Advisor while retaining his Army commission. In 1989, he joined Eisenhower and Alexander Haig. During that time he faced 28 political and military crises, like the invasion of Panama in 1989 and Operation Desert Storm in the 1991 Persian Gulf War and earned the nickname, "the reluctant warrior". Militant about defending the "hardwon civil rights legislation of 1960's, General Colin Powell made famous the so-called Powell Doctrine, as part of the attitude to be considered while considering the 1990-1991 Gulf War. The Doctrine asserts that when a nation is engaging in war, all resources should be brought into action to affect an overwhelming force against the enemy. The questions that Powell Doctrine centers on are the issues of national security based on a clear and attainable objective fully analyzing the risks and costs, the full utilization of all non-violent policies, a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement, the consequences of American government action, support received from the American people on any particular action, and the presence of international support. Leadership is the art of accomplishing more that the science of management says it possible. (Harari, 2002) Leadership connotes an interrelationship of power - the power to give vision to others, and not just be a frontrunner. In the Leadership Character ModelSM developed by Robert Turknett and Carolyn Turknett in 2005 in their Decent People, Decent Company: How to Lead with Character in Work and in Life, they prescribe Accountibility, Responsibility and Integrity as some of the characters of a leader. Powell too, practiced people-based leadership that gave him an edge. A leader, as Powell believed and practiced himself, must challenge the status quo of all traditions. (Harari, 2002). Effective Leadership is a true test of character, and Colin Powell's life has been a testimony to this. In the study of his 35 years of military experience, we find a galore of instances where Powell used the basic human emotions of trust and belief in order to get over tricky situations. Powell rarely proposed military intervention as the first solution to any dispute, and instead advocated compromise. In the 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, Powell served as the key foreign policy advisor to the Bush campaign. After September 11, this public icon played a crucial role in taking up a single-handed leadership to enhance America's relationship with international countries. In an interview by O'Rourke of the Atlantic Unbound, Powell says: I'm considered the multilateralist-multilateralism means finding areas of compromise. Our nation also rests on a non-zero-sum concept. It was intended that Congress work by finding compromise, and from compromise you achieve consensus. Without compromise, you never get to

Friday, August 23, 2019

Dq 8-Terence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dq 8-Terence - Essay Example Based on the same, are ethical issues concerned with the efficiency and speed of information systems, especially at the work place (Brown, 2012). Information is one of the strong tools to success. The development of information systems may also involve political and social relations (Hollifield & Habibi, 2011). Electric information systems are now widely used, especially in the workplace. There is need however to guard the privacy and security of the information being transmitted through the information systems, since people may misuse it, or in some cases, the information may affect parties that are not involved significantly (Xu & Quaddus, 2013). Privacy in knowledge worker information systems as well as security is important. The information systems may have information that may be useful to the larger society, or a group of people (Zimmermann, 2011). However, security and privacy are important for the sake of preserving information that may otherwise be harmful if leaked. A knowledge worker such as a scientist for example, may have researched on and stored information in an information system (Salmela & Anna, 2011). The kind of information stored needs security, should an individual want to leak the hard- earned information. There may be hackers who might also illegally obtain information they are not supposed to obtain (Stair & Reynolds, 2013). To address the risk of private information being accessed, a company may consider establishing an electronic database. The database should be designed to access all kinds of information as well as store it. An electronic database may alter the way information is convened. Persons that may be involved require training on how to retrieve and enter the information in digit form. This kind of precaution may ward off several persons, acting as an effective measure (Hollifield & Habibi, 2011). Offshore outsourcing mainly occurs when services and products are procured from

Thursday, August 22, 2019

System of judging the plays in Ancient Athens Essay Example for Free

System of judging the plays in Ancient Athens Essay Do I think the system of judging the plays in Ancient Athens was a good one?  In Athens, theatre was a very important aspect, both of religion, and life for the Athenians. As it was a competition, every play would need a Judge. Or 10. Judging the plays was a very democratic system, and one that I feel was very effective.  To choose the judges, each tribe put names of citizens into a sealed urn. There were 10 tribes, each named after a mythical hero. They were:  Erechtheis – This tribe was named after the eponymous hero Erechtheus who was an early King of Athens, he was killed by Poseidon. Aegeis – Aegis was named after the hero Aegeus who was another early King of Athens, and the father of Theseus.  Pandionis – This tribe was named for the hero Pandion, who, once again, was an early King of Athens.  Leontis – Leontis was named after Leos, who was the son of Orpheus.  Akamentis – Named after Akamas who was the son of Theseus. Oineis Named after Oeneus, who was son of Dionysus.  Kekropis – Kekropis were named after the hero Kekrops who was another early King of Athens.  Hippothontis – Named for Hippothoon, who was a hero at Eleusis.  Aiantis – Aiantis was named after the great hero Aiax/Ajax who was a hero in the battle for Troy.  Antiochis – Named after Antiochos, son of Herakles. At the beginning of the Festival of Dionysia, the urns were broken open, and a name selected at random from each. The 10 people whose names were drawn, would become the Judges. This was a very good way to choose in my opinion, as it eliminated bribery (unless you were extremely rich) and you could choose to vote for yourself, or others. On the 5th day of the festival, after all the Tragedies had finished, each Judge would write down the names of the Playwrights in order of merit. The tablets were then placed in a sealed urn (again), and an Archon would draw out 5 of the 10 tablets. The Playwright with the most votes was declared the winner. There would be a separate judging for Comedy.  Overall, I think it was a fair, unbiased and very modern way of judging the plays. The democratic style of judging reflected on the City’s politicians, and was very clever, much like many other things accomplished by the Athenians.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sex Education in Schools Argumentative Essay

Sex Education in Schools Argumentative Essay The purpose of this report presents the findings of that sex education should be implemented in schools due to its many benefits to teenagers. The implementation of sex education in schools will provide teenagers with the correct information to enable them to make the right choices in life. On the other hand, some have claimed that implementing sex education in schools actually promotes the risk of sex and is ineffective. However, based on various research findings, it is shown that sex education is effective by reducing the rate of teen pregnancy, providing correct information and also decreasing the number of HIV, AIDS and STDs cases among teenagers. Hence, sex education encourages healthy teen sexuality. Introduction This is the real world, and in the real world, you need protection, Cherie Richards, a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences. (Antonuk, 2006) In the simplest form, sex education is basically education about sexuality, contraceptive methods (condoms, drugs or surgery), how to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, the importance of protection and last but not least, attitudes and principles about sex. There are also two kinds of sex education which are abstinence-only programs and comprehensive education. However, both of them also teach about the process of sex education which can lead to teenagers understanding about how to make their choices and making them right. Teenagers need information and the right sources to help and protect themselves. This is because when they have no knowledge or whatsoever, they turned to media or even sometimes pornography to get information as their parents are not open enough about sex. Take this for example, at present time in the United States; the rate of teen birth and abortions is the highest among other western countries with teenagers over a number of one million going through pregnancy every year. The highest number of those having sexually transmitted diseases is also proven in past surveys and reports with teenagers being the apparent source. Meanwhile, Sub-Saharan Africa also has the highest number of teen pregnancy in the world. In Asian countries however, Thailand has reported that a noteworthy sum of unmarried teenagers are sexually active with 25% of students admitted to hospitals to undergo abortions. And even though the rate of teen marriage and pregnancy has dwindled in Malaysia and Indonesia, it doesnt change the fact that it is still considered quite high compared to the others. For more developed countries like Japan and South Korea, their teen pregnancy rates are at 4.6 and 2.9 respectively, which are the lowest in the world. (UNICEF, 2005) And therefore, the question is should sex education be implemented in schools? Most definitely, sex education should be implemented in schools because sex education can reduce teen pregnancy, its better for the teenagers to get information about sex and sexual protection methods from right sources (schools) rather than from the media and sex education in schools can also protect children and teenagers. This report will show convincing and undeniable evidence of why sex education should be implemented in schools. The majority of these research findings will be limited to the United States of America, because the rate of teen sex and pregnancy is found to be the highest in this region. 2.0 Reduce Rate of Teen Pregnancy Some had claimed that sex education does not have any effect on the rate of teen pregnancy. They said that those who took up the virginity pledges denied the oaths five years later and had had sex during that time. They argued that those who did take the pledges and those who didnt did not have much difference in not having sex. They felt that the information provided from the education was unable to help the teenagers and could not prevent teen pregnancy. (Ostrow Randall, 2008). However, it is indeed proven to be true that sex education can reduce teen pregnancy and teen births. Firstly, sex education has caused a plunge in the United States teen birth rate based on a report done in California and Ventura County. The recently released statistics showed that the birth rate went from 36.2 to 34.1 per 1,000 births to adolescent mothers. (Ventura County Star, 2010). According to the California Department of Public Health, the rate of teen births which was previously 37.1 in the year 2007 decreased by 1.9 per 1000 in 2008. Secondly, an epidemiologist with the CDC Trisha Mueller, found that sex education does work and it also delays teen having sex which inevitably leads to teen pregnancy being reduced. Based on a national survey of 2,019 teens aged 15 to 19 in 2002, her team found that teen boys were three times more likely to used contraceptive methods compared to those who did not went through sex education. (Vann, 2007). Thirdly, for teenage girls who took se x education, the risk of having sex before the age of 15 is reduced 59% while for boys are 71%, compared to those who didnt take sex education. (Doheny, 2007). The evidences collected have pointed out that sex education indeed can reduce teen pregnancy. Therefore, in conclusion, again it is emphasized that sex education should be implemented in schools. 3.0 Information about Sex from the Right Sources (schools) Nowadays, sex scenes are heavily portrayed in some movies and TV shows which teenagers are watching. Even on the Internet, when one clicks on a certain link to a website, adverts containing sexual messages and pictures are posted to the side of the pages as if they were normal. Teenagers could have strayed easily to such websites and unknowingly received incorrect information about sex. In movies and TV shows however, though there is a limit to underage children, the older teenagers are accessible to demonstration of sex scenes in this media. Sex scenes in the media are portrayed as casual and harmless and seemed to bring no serious consequences, causing the teenagers to view such media to be fooled by the producers who are using sex to promote their production. (Why Do Teens Have Sex n.d) It should be noted that without truly knowing about it, sex can be dangerous. Parents discomfort about discussing sex related issues with their children drives them to the Internet and other unreli able media sources to find out more about the topic, as they have no other means to get more information. Hence, it is important that sex education is implemented in schools so that teenagers can receive the information they need from the right sources; namely, teachers who are well informed about the topic. On the other hand, some claimed that sex education is ineffective and does not give out the right information to help teenagers in making the right decisions for their sexuality. (Parents, teachers still embarrassed about sex, 2010). A survey made showed that 26.4 percent of the students complained that the sex education taught was not enough and the teachers who were responsible hardly discussed about sex at all. However, research has proven that sex education does indeed provide the much needed information and reduces sexual activity as teenagers received correct information from the classes. Firstly, there is much difference between those who took sex education and those who did not. (Moore, Furstenberg Peterson, n.d). Figure 1 below (National Survey of Children) shows the difference in percentage between teenagers who are exposed to sex education and those who are not. This is because when teenagers are exposed to the lie that sex is harmless, their sexual activity increases as they have not covered sex education yet. Secondly, getting the right information about sex can also reduce the number of HIV, AIDS, and STDs cases among the teens. Teenagers can learn that one of the major causes of STDs is through sexual activity. Even oral sex can be a pathway for the transmission of such diseases. (Williams, 2010) Sex education teaches teenagers about the prevention of HIV/AIDS and that one should get their partner tested for sexual transmitted diseases before undergoing any sexual activity with them. Sex and AIDS education have been proven by research done that they delay sexual activity as well as they teach students who are more sexually active to have safer sex. (School Health Education to Prevent AIDS and STD, 1994) 4.0 Protecting Children and Teenagers There are many sexually abused children who did not come to light or the attention of government authority on what have been cruelly done to them. The wrongly placed shame, the guilt and the fear of being blamed on have shied them away from confessions to parents or authority figures. This is mainly because the victims incomprehension of sexual abuse and their rights to reject such treatment. Sex education has only recently become important in these past few years but child sexual abuse has existed throughout human history. Thus, implementing sex education into schools can decrease the rate of child sexual abuse and thus providing a way out for children and teenagers. (Carroll, 2010) Besides that, the availability of sex education can also offer help and guidance to children with learning disabilities as they go through puberty. Child sexual abuse is defined as any form of sexual activity forced onto a child whether by a person younger or older than the child. (Munro, 2000) Munro claimed that children and teenagers are vulnerable and often can be exposed to sexual abuse without anyone knowing. And as they did not receive any counseling or teaching, they do not have full understanding of being taken advantage of. It also leaves them in a defenseless situation which they might be preyed on again. In America, there are 39 million of survivors from child sexual abuse at present. By their 18th celebration, one in four females and one in six males are sexually abused. (Mish, cited in Mail Tribune) But sex education gives children and teenagers information about how to prevent sex abuse, that sexual abuse do not occur to every child and that they must seek help if they were victimized. It teaches children and teenagers to be well aware of sexual abuse. Theres also have been one program that was organized in classes of sex education in which students learned to say NO to such inappropriate acts committed by the other. (Carroll, 2010) It can be concluded that in order to decrease the rate of child sexual abuse, the implementation of sex education in schools is practical as children and teenagers would learn about child abusers and sex abuse and they could reject such offences upon them. Children and teenagers would be more aware of the current situation in this modern society and they would know the actions to be taken if necessary. Not only that, the  victimized would be able to understand that they are not alone and many are willing to lend a hand to their plight. A child with learning disabilities received and processed data and information with a slower speed due to some difficulties in the brain as well as the nervous system. (Kemp, Segal, Cutter, 2010) Still, teenagers with learning disabilities may be different from their counterparts but they still go through growth and puberty. As they need help when studying or paying closer attention to lessons, these children also need help in controlling their sex drives when they reach puberty in their teenage years. However, the topic of sex and children with learning disabilities always seemed to be swept under the carpet, ignored for fear that it would promote sex risks. According to Stephen Simpson (cited in Teaching sex education to children with learning disabilities, 2007), those that have learning difficulties are at a higher risk of getting sexually abused. Besides that, there is also evidence proving that the implementation of sex education is desperately needed for children and teenager s with learning disabilities. In reference to Leeds youth offending team, the 40% who committed any sexual offence are teens with learning disorders. (Teaching sex education to children with learning disabilities, 2007) For John who is a teenager with learning disability, he managed to control his inappropriate actions in public and it decreased gradually. (NursingTimes, 2007) Obviously, this proves that as long as a person with learning disorder obtained proper education about sex, he can reign in his sex drives based on his surroundings and what he had been taught. It can be concluded then that sex education can help teenagers with learning disabilities to control themselves as well as preventing others for abusing them sexually. They can also understand better about sexual relationships and their body. Thus, this shows that sex education is capable of preventing children and teenagers from becoming victims of sexual abuse as well as being the perpetrator. Therefore, it can be concluded that sex education aids teenagers in their sexuality and related issues at present and in the future. 5.0 Conclusion Children and teenagers need good and correct information from the right sources about sex, sexual relationships and various other related issues in order to make a right decision for their present and future. They need to understand about what can happen if there are misconceptions about sex, it in turn becomes dangerous. After all, information is power, and in this current, risky world, they would need all the necessary information they could get. For they will be our future pillars for the next generation and the next. The implementation of sex education in schools will be able to prepare them properly. Not only that, based on the evidences and research done as well as collected carefully, it proves that sex education brings many benefits by reducing the rate of teen pregnancy, providing teenagers with accurate and helpful information, and also protecting them from harm. 6.0 Recommendation Looking into the creditability of the evidences and research done on this topic, it is safe to say that sex education in schools is heavily encouraged on. However, it should be tested whether abstinence-only or comprehensive sex education works better for the students. The collected results from the selected schools will then only be analyzed and then implemented into schools. Not only that, parents should also be encouraged to meet with the educators responsible so that they may know of the contents of sex education and will be able to discuss easier about sex with their teenagers. The meetings can consist of teachers explaining what they will be covering on with the students in schools. By accomplishing this, parents would no longer be standing on the opposing side of implementing sex education into the school curriculum.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Leadership examples | Robert Kuok Hock Nien

Leadership examples | Robert Kuok Hock Nien Leadership can be defined as a persons ability to let others willing to follow leadership. Every organization needs leaders at all levels. Leaders can be found and nurtured if you look at the following character traits. Visionary leader has a clear, vivid picture of where to go, and firmly grasp that looks like what is success and how to achieve it. But it is not enough to have a vision; leaders also must be shared and put into practice. Jack Welch, the former chairman and chief executive officer of General Electric Company, said, Good business leaders create a vision, a clear vision, passion, vision and relentlessly drive it through. (Investing Value) The leader must be able to communicate, buy its followers in his or her vision. He or she must communicate clearly and enthusiasm, passion is contagious. Besides that, a good leader must have the discipline and single-minded in his or her vision, as well as to guide his or her actions, and to the goals of the team. The action is a sign of the leader. A leader does not suffer analysis paralysis, but the thing to do is always in pursuit of the vision, inspire others to do the same. The simplest definition for leadership is a leader having followers. According to Keith Grint, leadership is not simply to delineate a space in a language game, and it is not merely a game of sophistry; indeed, we dont need to agree on the definition but we need to be able to understand each others position so as to make sense of each others arguments (Grint, 2010). A good leader will lead the organization to a better future and also provide benefits to society. The characteristics of a leader also important because it may affect the society when the leader became the role model of the world. Peoples will practice what the leader done to become the way success. Objectives To learn more about those succeed leadership To identified the way of the leaders succeed To compare the similarity and the difference between those leaders To understand the characteristics of each leader Research methodology During this assignment, most of my information came from internet and also refers from some reference book to get more details to support what I need to do. Besides that, I do ask for some peoples opinion on the leader that I had chosen to understand the reason why and how the leader influenced the world and also the person himself/ herself. Literature review The simplest definition for leadership is a leader having followers. According to Keith Grint, leadership is not simply to delineate a space in a language game, and it is not merely a game of sophistry; indeed, we dont need to agree on the definition but we need to be able to understand each others position so as to make sense of each others arguments (Grint, 2010). Leadership ability, which means that the leader has the ability to do something through talent and technology (Smith, 2010). Talent is natural and technical capabilities through training and experience. Talent is certainly helpful, but not required. I know many people are born with leadership close to zero, but become great leaders through training, experience, and most importantly, persistence (Smith, 2010). Good leadership is critical to a successful school. Success comes from aiming high with the clear vision, ethos and communication that good leadership brings. We will act to support high quality school leadership and inspired ambitious school communities. (Ambitious, Excellent Schools Our Agenda for Action, Scottish Executive, 2004, p5) Even more recently, it is not an isolated activity, investment in a person, but all kinds of people, and contributes to the leadership of effective leadership, leadership distribution. If this happens, then the leadership willing to go beyond the individual management training, the need to obtain a wider development team leadership: leadership skills, how to develop? The new qualification is called the National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (National College for School Leadership, 2005): It is acknowledged that the early leadership with distinctive emphases, especially in the development of integrated services and hybrid models of the staff continue to be a feature of the early childhood work. One view was that the leadership is personal qualities, therefore, the single leadership role, the concept of competition and power of the built-in (Thornton, 2005) does not sit easily with the cooperation of the way early childhood education practice basis. Early years before school services are often non-hierarchical, and the majority of women workers (Ebbeck and Waniganayake, 2003; Rodd, 2005). Fairly flat structure means, assigned leadership models are often enough to be the priority in the early childhood setting, although in pen green (Pen Green, 2005) asserts that if we transform the life chances of children can only be completed by the far-sighted leadership. Early childhood sector continues to grow; we are now the majority of families use of pre-school education (Scottish Executive, 2004a). These different settings often have a different concept, structure and quality assurance of various models: Muijs et al (2004) report that they are inspected by different bodies. Solly (2003) conducted a study finds that there is regarded as a leader in setting the differences in the various types of child care. Pre-school, primary school, private and voluntary settings, respondents believe that a single leader, but a formal leadership kindergarten celebration and centers of excellence provide a broader interpretation. Early education to clarify their leadership, according to a different set, they are based. For example, Osgood reported that private sector providers are easier to apply business principles, a set of management and volunteer management department set less comfortable with entrepreneurship agenda (Osgood, 2004). Management kindergartens tend to have a collaborative leadership and community-centered way, jeopardize the gains for fear of competition (Osgood, 2004). The leader sex may be a way, in addition to the education sector leadership in early childhood. Rhoda (2005), women determine the concept and need to be led by the question: What kind of leadership could mean that early childhood services, they may lack of understanding. Involving sets (Dunlop, 2005), the relationship between the concept of leadership in the department, has more in common with early childhood education teaching method than the traditional business philosophy, leadership. There is a view that the different leadership styles of men and women leaders: Recent research has provided no evidence to support this (Muijs). However, Solly (2003) found that the majority of early childhood leaders, in his study that the difference between the department and other leadership styles. A social constructivist mode of learning often early years, advocates, Solly found that leaders of early childhood education itself active learning tendency to make others. The participants felt that the advantage of their own propaganda, inspiration, enthusiasm, and spirit, are lifelong learners and teamwork (Solly, 2003). In my opinion, I do agree that some leader was born to be but most of them were made. Nobody will be the perfect one but after trained, most of the attitude will bring up after training to become a leader. Finding The leaders that I choose for my assignment is the co-founders of Amway Richard Devos and Jay Van Andel, and the chairman of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts chain Robert Kuok Hock Nien. Background Richard Devos Mr. Richard M. DeVos, the rich is the co-founder of the Amway Corporation, and served as vice president. Rich DeVos met a founding partner of Amway Corporation, the lifetime friend Jay Van Andel in high school Houdiweishi willing to pay 25 cents a week, bike to school. In 1949, Mr. DeVos formation of JA-RI, and began selling the product direct sales basis. In 1959, he founded Amway Corporation (short form as American Way) and Van Andel and start selling to friends, family, and door-purpose cleaner. DeVos to step down in 1993, Doug, his son took over as president of the company. In October 2000, Amway has been one of four subsidiaries of a new holding company, Alticor, Access Business Group LLC, a provider of business services, and Jetstar operations in North America, based on the Web three sister companies: Access Business Group LLC., a business services provider, and Quixtar Inc., a Web-based business in North America. He served as the founding chairman of the National Organization on Disability. He is the Chairman of the National Basketball Association. He served as chairman of the Direct Selling Association. He served as a director and founder of the company Alticor. Amway Chairman of the Foundation for the Protection of the Environment, he served as a board member of the National Organization on Disability, the Board of Directors, Gerald R Ford Foundation: Member, Board of Directors, the governor of Florida; Northwood University the Council freedom trustee: an honorary member of the Committee, DeVos Childrens Hospital; researcher, the worlds scholarship at Duke University, Edinburgh Award, Newcomen Society: Board of Directors of the past, the spectrum of health; container president, before the fiscal Chairman of the National Policy Committee, the Republican National Committee, the Chairman of the Committee of AIDS past members. He was in the U.S. Air Force 1944-1946. A well-known speaker, Mr. DeVos has appeared around the world hundreds of thousands of people. Recorded lectures, sales to the United States, free economy Education Foundation, the Alexander Hamilton Award, he wrote three books: believe, compassionate capitalism, and I sincerely hope that ten lessons in life and I really hope, 10 lessons of 71-year-old, his heart transplant, and provide such perseverance, confidence, confidence, respect and faith, life, life-changing experience. September 1991, Mr. DeVos and his family obtained the National Basketball Association, the Orlando Magic franchise he received numerous awards and honors, including: Davenport University Outstanding Business Award 2000: We can make a difference to pay tribute to the life Award in 1999 from West Michigan, the government hopes, Humanitarian Award, in 1999, the American Spirit Award, the Republican House of Representatives and the Senate in the 1998 Junior Achievement National Business Hall of Fame in 1998. Professor Horatio Alger in 1996 Horatio Alger Award, Edison Award in 1994 by the American associate professor of marketing: a year in the Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award from the American Legislative Exchange Council 1993: Donald J. Potter Humanitarian Award by the YMCA Heritage Club Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1993, the social responsibility of entrepreneurs year 1992, the annual implementation, sales and marketing, University of Arizona, 1991: William Booth Award Salvation Army in 1990, appointed by the competent international school achievement Charter in 1990, the United Nations Environment Programme Achievement Award of the organization, to accept on behalf of Amway in 1989, Napoleon Hill Gold Medal Corporate Achievement Award in 1989, greatly Grand Rapids business hall of fame in the 1989 Entrepreneur of the Year in 1988, the University of Missouri, 1979 Direct Marketing Association Hall of Fame Award, Outstanding Management Award, Industry Week, freedom of speech, Thomas Jeffer son Award, Kiwanis: American Enterprise award-winning senior management of National Association ; can accommodate 10 honorary doctorate degrees different colleges and universities throughout the country, and honor due to OMICRON Delta Kappa, the national leadership of the association. In April 1998, his family through the RDV sports was named WNBA franchise the right International in Orlando Miracle Mr. DeVos and his family have Orlando Sun Bear Hockey League. He is a Grand Rapids Christian high school graduates and participants Calvin College in Grand Rapids. Today the company, now operated by Alticor in 2000 after the reorganization under the umbrella of the revenue of $ 10.9 billion, 17% in 2011, the 11th time in 12 years the company has recorded an increase in sales. DeVos also owns the Orlando Magic. He built a new arena for the team at the Amway Arena in 2010, $ 480 million. Jay Van Andel June 3, 1924, was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, died of Parkinsons disease, December 7, 2004, in Ada, MI. Entrepreneurs. Van Andel has become a pilgrimage site belong to evangelical Protestant denominations, Christian Reformed Church Dutch immigrants. Christian high school in the city, the Van Andel and DeVos, began his flight school after returning to service in the Army Air Corps during World War II. They opened a restaurant in the hard butter hamburger fry recipe from their mother, but later sold to the two companies, and buy a Caribbean cruise. They plan to start a business seagoing, but they returned to Cuba and Grand Rapids near the ship was damaged. Amway co-founder Jay Van Andel, grown into one of the most impressive and controversial success story in the U.S. business. Van Andel architect Amway attractive direct marketing strategy, through personal contact network sales of consumer goods, but the company from consumer watchdog groups, sometimes attracted unfavorable attention. Along with the long-term business partner Richard DeVos and Van Andel is the most prominent business leaders in a Michigan Republican and conservative political causes and generous contributions. Van Andel and DeVos business, import and export called Nutrilite supplement manufacturers. Use what they have learned, from the sale of your friends and family, they founded Amway in the basement of the family Van Andel in 1959 LOC, full-featured household cleaners. Their company name to American way, and relies on a multi-level marketing scheme. New sales recruits will buy the goods and the price tag as an independent distributor for sale to others. However, the key to success is to recruit other people to join the team to grow sales, independent distributors will receive a percentage of the profits from sales of their recruits; returns. Van Andel wrote all sales and marketing materials in the early stages of Amway expanded to include self-help books and tapes incentives. Also to be sold to independent distributors of new recruits and various brands of Amway products gradually extended to almost all consumer goods, from soap to vitamins. Amway basic knowledge of free enterprise, and motivate the sales mix is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹not without its critics, and some are not satisfied with the members who claim that the company is what is essentially a large-scale fraud. It was investigated by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission for several years, but the founder is connected to the Grand Rapids birth Republicans will go to the White House in 1974, Gerald Ford, to help it to avoid further investigation. Amway cannot escape investigation, however, making a false report tax evasion charges brought in 1983 by the Government of Canada through the United States and Canada boundary value goods. Amway paid a fine of $ 58000000, which is the largest ever imposed on Canadian history. Amway was an international context and a large number of members in China and other Asian countries during the 1990s. The company eventually changed its name to Alticor, is considered worth $ $ 62000000000 in 2004. Van Andel retired in 1995, will no longer serve as Chairman of the Company, and continue to be involved in philanthropy. He and DeVos generously to various city cultural institutions Grand Rapids, in various projects, bear the name of Van Andel Van Andel Institute, dedicated to education and medical research. He also funded a plant in Arizona, hoping to prove through scientific methods, that the world is the highest in six days, the Christian Bible. He is also an enthusiastic donor to Republican coffers and donated $ 2000000 in the presidential campaign in 2004, the United States, resulting in a series of television commercials, questioned the value of the Democratic Party, the White House is hoping John Kerry (John Kerry) the development and experience of the organization . Big Rapids Hoekstra married Betty Van Andel in 1952, he had four children. He owns a private island, and later years, Van Andel died in January 2004 in the British Virgin Islands family where he spent his last few weeks, too. He returned to Michigan and December 7, 2004, aged 80, after suffering from Parkinsons disease for several years, died at his home in Ada, Michigan. He is survived by his son, Steve, and Dave, his daughter Nan and spines, and ten grandchildren. Forbes estimated his personal wealth at $ 29 billion. For me, the biggest source of pleasure rather than the acquisition of material things are endless, but to create wealth, give up, he wrote in his autobiography of 1998, a proactive life, according to Uncle Adam. Mr. Sitan in the Washington Post. The job of everyone on this planet is the ultimate glory of God. Van Andel died in 2004 at age 80 due to heart failure. Robert Kuok Hock Nien Robert Kuok was born on October 6, 1923, in Johor Bahru and his three brothers, youngest. He is an influential member of the Malaysian Chinese business. According to Forbes magazine estimated his net worth is about $ 90 billion, which makes him the richest man in Southeast Asia. In addition to a large number of enterprises in Malaysia, his companies have investments in many countries in Asia. His business interests consist of sugar cane plantations (Perlis Plantations Bhd), sugar refining, flour milling, animal feed, oil and mining to finance, hotels, real estate, trade and transport (International Shipping Corporation, Transmile Group) and publications. Just like Boon Siew and Lim Goh Tong, who emigrated from China, Kuoks father arrived in Malaya from Fujian, China in the early 20th century. And unlike the late Boon Siew and Goh Tong, Kuok is an educated rich man (Unknown, 2010). He received his early education in English schools and then enrolled into Raffles College in Singapore, with Lee Kuan Yew as one of the classmates. He had a short stint working with Japanese companies, Mitsubishi after studies at Raffles was stopped because the invasion of Japan, before helping his father with the trade business. After the death of his father, Kuok and his two brothers have decided to continue the legacy business, starting with the distribution of sugar and some other commodities under the new post-colonial government (Ikhwan, 2011). Business skills they have picked up from their father, who is an avid trader. In 1961, he made a coup by buying cheap sugar from India before the price goes up. Kuok massive involvement in the sugar industry allows the company to be a supplier of open government and Kuok sugar refinery plant to grow again. At the height of his business, he has control of 80% of the Malaysian sugar market with production of 1.5 million tons, equivalent to 10% of the global export market, and so earned his nickname Sugar King of Asia. Encouraged by the success of his sugar business, Kuok has fastened his growing business into flour milling, shipping, logistics, oil and gas and hotel. His resurrections to success are fame and famous due to both his expertise in spotting opportunities and strong network with great people, corporations and governments. In 1971, he built the first Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. His foray into Hong Kong property is in 1977, when he acquired a new piece of land reclaimed Tsim Sha Tsui East waterfront, where he built a second hotel, the Kowloon Shangri-La. Kuok controls the Shangri-La hotel chain and is the largest shareholder of Transmile Group Berhad, which is engaged in accounting irregularities scandal in 2007, the stock price goes down. In addition, he took Kerry Group a34.9% interest in the South China Morning Post from Murdochs News Corporation in 1993. He said his hotel check every now and then to ensure that staff provides the highest quality service. There are times when he inv ited the taxi driver for a free lunch at the hotels cafe. Kuok is considered a man of truth when dealing with people, including employees. There are stories Kuok sought permission from cabin crew to smoke in an airplane he owns. When the crew told him that he would not have to ask anyone, he responded by saying that he was only asked in a normal passenger capacity. His company has investments in many countries, including Singapore, Thailand, China, Indonesia, Fiji and Australia. Business in China includes 10 bottling companies Coca Cola, ownership of the World Trade Centre Beijing. Confirmed his political influence he was named by one of the childs future advisor Hong Kong in the run up to the transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong, and minority interests in CITIC Pacific. He also played an important role in disseminating information and set up a meeting between Malaysia and China governments leading to full diplomatic cross recognition between the two countries. Kuok has married twice and has eight children. He officially retired from the Kerry Group on 1 April, 1993. Now, Kuok Khoon Ean, one of the sons of Robert, handl es most of the day-to-day operations of the business. He was living in Hong Kong at this time. Kuok Group started business as Kuok Brothers Limited in the year 1949 in Johor Bahru, Malaysia, trading rice, sugar and wheat flour. Business activity expanded in 1953 with the opening of the Singapore Branch, Kuok (Singapore) Limited. From a humble beginning, the Kuok Group has grown to become one of the most diverse multinational conglomerate and dynamic in Asia. Driving force behind the growth of the Group is Kuok family, whose vision and commitment to hard work and excellence for more than two generations have made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Kuok Group market leader in many areas. From the beginning of its operations, the Group has set forth the basic values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹of integrity, loyalty and discipline. These values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹have served as the basis for achievement during the past 46 years. From a trading post established in Malaysia and Singapore, the Group has expanded its operations in the 1950s and 1960s to Thailand and Indonesia. It focuses on the activities of ancillary and related to growth, and also pursued new business and trade opportunities, particularly in commodities, resulting in a trading relationship with companies in Hamburg, Paris, London and New York. Hong Kong and China become the focus of further development in the region in 1980 after a group of senior man agers 1970sand established Kerry Holdings Limited in Hong Kong in 1974. The name Kerry has become identified with the Kuok Groups extensive operations in Hong Kong and China. The Group has built a management team with great depth and breadth of experience and knowledge. The team continues to focus on herself for the Groups business expansion, particularly in emerging markets in Asia, in areas that complement the Groups business, especially in emerging markets in Asia, in areas that complement the Groups interests and expertise. Central to its future growth is a commitment to maintain the values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹that lie at the heart of the Kuok Groups success. To spend money is to earn money.If the food in the staff canteen is good, the food in the hotel is good. (Quotes from Robert Kuok) Company profile Amway (Amway) People helping people, people live better life. Amway is one of the worlds largest direct selling businesses powered by: Brands That Do Wonders Opportunities That Empower Relationships That Endure Global Citizenship Thats Purposeful Amway is above all a family company. Steve Van Andel and Doug DeVos lead a diverse global management team that supports distributors and their goals. Jay Van Andel, said of the company, AMWAY gets people into a new life of excitement, promise, profit, and hope. AMWAY now operates in over 80 countries and territories around the world. For over 50 years, Amway continue to build on the original values and principles established by our founders to ensure the passion for the business stays alive. Freedom Personal opportunity and economic opportunity go hand in hand. With AMWAY you have the freedom to change your life by owning your own business. Family We all need family to cheer us on. We are all members of the global Amway family we respect and take care of each other to foster success. Hope Inspiring you to dream bigger. Amway creates an environment where hope can thrive. Reward Happiness is best achieved through earned success. Amway rewards what you achieve, and also what you help others achieve. Vision and values We work each and every day to help people live better lives. We achieve our vision by helping people everywhere discover their potential and achieve their goals by offering better brands and opportunities for the future, and by sharing generously with the global community. To help us realize our vision, we have six enduring values that the business has been built on. Said co-founders of Amway. Partnership AMWAY is built on the concept of partnership between the co-founders. The partnership that exists among the founding families, employees, and business owners is our most prized possession. We always try to do what is in the long-term best interest of our partners, in a manner that increases trust and confidence. Integrity Integrity is essential to our business success. We do what is right, not just whatever works. AMWAYs success is measured not only in economic terms, but by the respect, trust and credibility. Personal Worth We also acknowledge the uniqueness created in each individual. Every person is worthy of respect, and deserves fair treatment and the opportunity to succeed to the fullest extent of his or her potential. Achievement We are builders and encouragers. We strive for excellence in all we do. Our focus is on continuous improvement, progress and achievement of individual and group goals. We anticipate change, respond swiftly to it, take action to get the job done, and gain from our experiences. We encourage creativity and innovation. Personal Responsibility Each individual is responsible and accountable for achieving personal goals, as well as giving 100 percent effort in helping achieve corporate or team goals. By helping people help themselves, we further the potential for individual and shared success. We also have a responsibility to be good citizens in the communities where we live and work. Free Enterprise We are proud advocates of freedom and free enterprise. Human economic advancement is clearly proven to be best achieved in a free market economy.5.2.2 Shangri-La Hotels and Resort Chain (Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts) The Shangri-La story began in 1971 with their first deluxe hotel in Singapore. Inspired by the legendary land featured in James Hiltons 1933 novel, Lost Horizon, the name Shangri-La encapsulates the serenity and service for which our hotels and resorts are renowned worldwide. Today, Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts is Asia Pacifics leading luxury hotel group, Shangri-La Hotels Group are also regarded as one of the worlds finest hotel ownership and management companies. With 75 hotels and resorts throughout Asia Pacific, North America, the Middle East, and Europe, the Shangri-La group has a room inventory of over 30,000. In addition, new hotels are under development in mainland China, India, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Qatar, Sri Lanka, Turkey and United Kingdom. The Shangri-La S logo, which resembles uniquely Asian architectural forms, suggests majestic mountains reflected in the waters of a tranquil lake. Shangri-La Hotels are five-star luxury hotels located in premier city addresses across Asia, Middle East, North America and Europe. To treat a stranger as one of our own characterizes the hospitality one can expect from Shangri-La. Discerning travelers will enjoy world-class service amidst tranquil surroundings, coupled with inspirational architecture and design. The finest dining experiences at every hotel and resort ensure that every palate is pampered. But what makes each stay truly memorable is something even more exquisite and rare Shangri-Las special kind of hospitality. Hospitality from the heart. Shangri-La Asia Ltd. is the Asias leading luxury hotel and the fastest growing group. The company, part of Malaysias Kuok Group, operates 45 hotels across Asia. In2005, the company also started to drive to the markets of Europe and North America, including the launch of the construction of the first hotel in Europe, in London, is expected to be completed in 2009. The company also opened its first hotel in the Middle East, in Dubai, and the Maldives. Mainland China, however, form the heart of the empire, with more than 20 hotels in operation, and at least 15 more are expected to open before 2010.Shangri-La is unusual among international hotel companies that it owns the bulk of its hotel. So, the hotels under management are not fully owned by the group, most of which are owned by other companies Kuok Group, and especially by the major shareholders own Shangri-La, Kerry Properties Ltd. Shangri-La hotel mainly operates under the luxury, the five-star Shangri-La brand. The company also op erates a small number of mid-range business-oriented hotel Traders. Listed in Hong Kong and the Stock Exchange of Singapore, Shangri-La remains a small part of the Kuoks business empire. However, founder Robert Kuok holds an active interest in the group, and has expressed his desire to see Shangri-La achieve 100 hotels in life. In 2004, the company recorded revenues of $ 726 million. Inspired by the legendary land featured in James Hilton novel Lost Horizon published in 1933, the name Shangri-La include relaxation and services Shangri-La is renowned worldwide. The group has two brands of Shangri-La and Traders hotels. Shangri-La properties are particularly luxurious five star city centre and resort hotels with the majority of city centre hotel has over 500 guest rooms, while the resort properties tend to be a little smaller. Shangri-La tradition of service excellence begins with the opening of Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore in 1971. These 15 acres of landscaped gardens, the rooms are beautiful and gracious Asian style set a new standard for excellence in the hotel, which to this day continues to guide the design characteristics of the group. Training is a priority Shang ri-La and important source provided annually to ensure employees have the skills and knowledge to be the best in their respective fields. This has earned awards and recognition from the international group of guests, prestigious magazines as well as industry partners and made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Shangri-La hotel one of the employer of choice, with more than 30,000 people serving guests with a philosophy of Shangri-La Hospitality from Caring People. Since its origin, the group has grown rapidly to meet the growing demand for deluxe hotels and resorts in Asia Pacific and the capital of the most sought after leisure destinations. Today, there are 65 properties, which are only 18 third-party management agreements, across Asia-Pacific, North America and the Middle East, representing a rooms inventory of over 28,000. In addition, there are over 40 projects under development, including the location in Austria, Canada, mainland China, France, India, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Se

Monday, August 19, 2019

Influential Softball Coach Essay -- College Admissions Essays

Influential Softball Coach I met a life changing individual in middle school. We referred to him as â€Å"Mr. D†. He was my seventh and eighth grade English teacher. I sat in his class and dozed off during his grammar lectures. He often sparked my attention with jokes, sports scores, stories from literature books. However, the majority of Mr. D’s classes were not overly exciting or stellar in anyway. In the spring of my seventh eighth grade year I decided to branch out and try a new sport. I signed up for our school’s softball team. A new coach was going to be taking on the difficult task of teaching the love of the game to a group of girls. The coach was going to be my English teacher. Mr. D taught the team to play softball well. He also taught us that softball was a lot like life. I le...

Psychotherapy Essay -- Psychodynamic Therapy

The aim of psychotherapy is to encourage self-awareness and self-evaluation in order to enable transformation and facilitate possibility. It is this self-evaluation process that is crucial to personal agency (McKay, 1987) and integral to psychodynamic therapy (PDT) and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). This essay will critically evaluate cognitive behavioural and psychodynamic theories regarding self-awareness and self-evaluation and explore ways in which these theories and their understanding of self may be utilised within clinical hypnosis. CBT and rational emotive behaviour therapy REBT (Ellis, 1955) rely on self-reflection and evaluation in order to achieve success. CBT utilises the stimulus -response (SR) model (Pavlov, 1903). Reflexive response to stimulus (Gross, 2005) becomes modified to stimulus –cognition- response (SCR) (Beck, 1967). This introduces a reflective element, similar to the input- processing -output schema found in the computational model of the mind (Putman, 1961, 1988; Fodor, 1979). Decision-making and rationality (Jones and Pulos, 1993) are employed in order to negotiate knowledge of internal influence. Once this knowledge is perceived cognitions are evaluated and reassessed before rational alternatives are generated (Ellis, 1962). Thereby introducing the possibility of transformation. CBT is most effective with anxiety disorders (Beck et al 1985; Schoenberger et al, 1997; Brown 2007) and eating disorders (Baker and Nash, 1987; Griffiths et al, 1996). Meta analysis also supports the use o f CBT with depression (Gaffan, Tsaosis, Kemp-Wheeler, 1995; Butter and Beck, 2000). However, whilst some studies suggest that CBT is most effective when used alone i.e. without drugs (Marks, Swinson, Basoglu, Kuch, N... ...hin hypnotherapeutic practice. Freud’s regression technique is usefully employed within hypnosis in order to gain insight or to recognise the source of a problem e.g. inner child work, counting back. Furthermore, Freud’s concept regarding trauma fixation which concerns psychosexual stages may be used to indicate the root cause of habitual behaviours e.g. oral re: eating, oral aggressive re: nail biting, anal-retentive re: OCD. Having said this it is important to recognise the flaws within Freud’s research. Firstly, his sample group are not universally representative. Secondly, the culture and era make theories less relevant to today. Furthermore, research comes from a personal perspective and therefore is not empirically sound. It could also be argued that too much emphasis is put on sexuality being at the root of psychological and behavioural problems throughout.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Women and Literacy Essay -- Education Females Women Essays

Women and Literacy The recent United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women concluded that if women are to advance their status socially, economically, and politically, they must have access to high quality education (Albright 1996). Although women in the United States have steadily increased their educational status, millions still have a problem obtaining appropriate education and training because "[r]ace, class, and gender assumptions organize American society in ways that put all women, but especially low-income women, at a disadvantage" (Laubach Literacy Action [LLA], "Facts about Women's Lives" n.d., p. 1). The fact that 23 percent of the women in the United States aged 25 and over have not gone beyond high school (ibid.) reveals that, as a group, women are still educationally disadvantaged. More than 50% of new enrollments in federally funded adult basic education programs are women (Development Associates 1993), but until recently little attention has been given to the needs of women literacy learners in the United States. Fortunately, that situation is changing. Georgia State University's Center for the Study of Adult Literacy has begun sponsoring conferences on women and literacy. Since 1994, when it began Women in Literacy/USA, LLA has been been providing financial support to programs that empower women as well as developing a network of programs serving women (LLA, "Project Overview" n.d.). There is also a growing literature base to support work with women literacy learners. Although much of this information has been generated abroad (e.g., Canada, Australia, and Great Britain), it raises issues that have relevance for programs in the United States, including the following: Goals and Purposes. As descr... ...ress or cognitive improvement) with the ideological model of literacy (that which suggests that literacy is multilevel and embedded in whole cultures), the author argues for separate literacy courses for women. Organizations Canadian Congress for Learning Opportunities for Women, 47 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario M4E 2V6, Canada, (416) 699-1909 Center for the Study of Adult Literacy, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303-3083; (404) 651-2405 ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education, 1900 Kenny Road, Columbus, OH 43210-1090; (614) 292-4353 or (800) 848-4814, ext. 4-7686; E-mail: Laubach Literacy Action, 1320 Jamesville Avenue, Box 131, Syracuse, NY 13210; (315) 422-9121 Wider Opportunities for Women, 815 15th Street, NW, Suite 916, Washington, DC 20005; (202) 638-3143

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Progress Process And Prospect Of Green Hotels Environmental Sciences Essay

AbstractionDeficit of natural resources and environmental pollutions are considered as marks of planetary heating and serious universe climatic menace in the last few decennaries. Hence, environmental preservation has been increasing of import to all sectors of the economic system for the states. Though there are many touristry governments that have created the criterions or enfranchisements for environmentally sustainable hotels, really few Malaysia hotels have policies turn toing the issues. This survey aims to specify the advancement of Malayan hotel Industry and suggesting the effectivity and chance for Malayan environmental hotels.Research ObjectiveAs green becomes the colour of the twenty-four hours, the large terra incognita, nevertheless, is whether the remainder of the industry will follow suit every bit good as the uncertainness demand for green hotel. Green hotel ever near related to sustainability. A sustainable hotel should hold as little a footmark ( computation the amo unt of a edifice ‘s environmental impact ) as possible. However, it is about impossible to accomplish a zero footmark in world. Most hotels could go truly â€Å" C impersonal † merely by buying green credits or carbon-offsetting ( e.g. , paying a company to works trees to antagonize the hotel ‘s carbon-dioxide emanations ) . In fact, it requires considerable of money for a hotel traveling theirs measure towards green patterns by conserving energy, H2O and solid waste direction, etc. Therefore, the aims in this survey are: To look into the chief factor that influence regular hotel alteration into green hotel To detect the proper ways that make the regular hotel become green hotel To comprehend the hereafter of the hotel after become greenProblem StatementRecently more people are encompassing a green life style. Since bing edifices contribute about 80 % of the C emanations in some metropoliss through their energy usage, a major focal point of these attempts has been on sustainable building. Hotels use a enormous sum of energy and H2O every bit good as collect a immense sum of waste. By making their portion to conserve, recycle, and cut down, they are protecting the planet every bit good as supplying a great topographic point for eco-friendly invitees to remain. The intent of this research is to analyze the current province of green hotel industry. Further this survey besides makes the cordial reception industry taking an enterprise or implement for the interest of the environment. The industry is cognizant of these concerns, and has been look intoing environmentally-friendly options that would still turn out consistent with guest concerns for at least the last 15 years.ATheoretical ModelGreen hotel is created to diminish the sum of waste come ining landfills and increase the sum of waste that can be recycled. Hospitality industry must alter their scheme into â€Å" green † motion besides they have to seeking practical environmental that lead to a better universe. A The hotel industry could profit economically from the green motion, foremost by pulling invitees who wish to follow a greener life style, every bit good as salvaging money through cost-saving energy patterns and equipment adjustments.A Being green means ‘Green ‘ hotels are following environmentally friendly patterns and plans that will cut down energy direction ( Amy 2009 ) , H2O preservation ( JeongDoo ) , and waste direction ( Evans, 2008 ) .H4H5H3H2H1Figure 1: Conceptual model of the chief patterns of being a green hotel Hypothesis 1 ) 2 ) 3 ) 4 ) 5 )Introductionâ€Å" Green † Hotels are environmentally-friendly belongingss whose directors are eager to establish plans that save H2O, salvage energy and cut down solid waste while salvaging money to assist protect our one and merely Earth. Recently more hotels are encompassing a green life style. Bing green agencies invitees, staff and direction are healthier. Since bing edifices contribute about 80 % of the C emanations in some metropoliss through their energy usage, a major focal point of these attempts has been on sustainable building. Many hotels are reacting to consumer demands for a healthier and greener life style by doing their concern more environmentally friendly. Not merely consumer demand, fiscal inducements besides like to promote the cordial reception industry to go on developing more environmentally friendly hotel. Bing green agencies hotel are following environmentally friendly patterns and plans that will cut down energy, H2O and waste ( Amy, 2009 ) . Green attempts can be every bit basic as H2O preservation steps ( such as promoting the re-use of invitee linens ) , housekeepers using environmentally safe cleansing merchandises or Eco-sensitive watering place and bath comfortss to grander enterprises such as all-green building ( Kathy, 2007 ) . Among the more marked Eco attempts are late built hotels that weave the usage of ecologically sound building stuffs and thoughts into their very construct. Expect further rejuvenation of hotels as consumer demand additions. Harmonizing to a study conducted by the Travel Industry Association and Partnership, most grownups say they would be more likely to choose an hotel that uses more environmentally friendly merchandises and procedures, because environmentally friendly merchandise do them go more fitter. Besides supplying a positive consequence, green hotel besides give some jobs. Hotel must pay more to acquire friendly merchandise, besides they have to looking for a new topographic point to develop their green hotel. It means that they must cutting down a wood to construct their green hotel. And that makes our environment go more diminish.Literature ReviewThe Origin of Green PracticesThe hotel industry, like many other did non entertain the construct of salvaging energy for many old ages, as oil monetary values were at an all clip low in the 1980 ‘s and the early portion 1990s ( Hirschland, Oppenheim and Webb, 2008 ) . The chemical and oil industries were the first to come under probe by conservationist due to the seeable nature of their environmental impact. The cordial reception an industry took a long clip to come under examination and as a consequence was slow to take duty in cut downing the impact of their concern were holding on the environment. The construct of green or friendly hotel has become a really serious and profound subject within the cordial reception sphere in the past decennary. Bowman ( 1975, p.74 ) states that a â€Å" series of widely publicized environmental calamities signaled the globalisation of environmental concern and that society has entered the last phase of a procedure that has taken worlds from fearing, to understanding, to utilizing, to mistreating, and now to worrying about the physical and biological universe around them Cordial reception suppliers are now been forced to take duty for the impact their services are holding on the environment. In 1996, Agenda 21 for the travel and touristry industry made cordial reception suppliers aware of the demand to heighten sustainability development. There is grounds in today ‘s literature to propose the execution of environmental patterns is widespread across the cordial reception industry as the benefit are infinite, the most of import being fiscal sustainability. Pizman ( 2009 ) believes that many cordial reception organisations are non interested in environmental sustainability for selfless or ethical grounds, but are strictly puting in environmental patterns for selfish profitable grounds. Houdre ( 2006 ) , Brown ( 2006 ) and Stark ( 2009 ) have made it clear that the premier ground for implementing environmental patterns is geared towards profitableness. Cotton ( 2007 ) believes that the intent of running any concern is to do a net income and so it is dismaying the figure of cordial reception organisations that are non following green patterns in order to drive long term profitableness. This suggests that there are barriers and obstructions with respect to the execution of environmental patterns in the cordial reception industry.Green Hotels in MalaysiaOver the past decennary many organisation, both in the private and the public sectors have recognized the value of a systematic attack to the direction of their organisation ( Abdallah, 2007 ) . Superficially, it might be argued that environmental direction is non of import issue in the Malayan hotel industry. Comparing with the other environmentally developed hotel industry from other states, Malaysia hotel industry ap pears missing in the consciousness for environmentally policy ( Azusa, 2009 ) . There is a realisation among many hotels that environmental direction does non entirely intend forestalling their milieus from being polluted. Daily operational activities and consideration, which range from the usage of recycled documents to minimising the usage of heavy chemicals besides provide a important cost economy step for hotels ( Hong and Parker, 2004 ) . Therefore, it is non true to province that investing in environmental direction patterns will ensue in the escalation of operational costs and eroding of net income borders ( Foster, Sampson and Dunn, 2000 ) Harmonizing to the five hotels in Malaysia have been chosen as the new receivers of the ASEAN Green Hotel Award 2010, conveying the entire figure of such hotel in the state to 10.the five hotels are The Andaman Langkawi in Sedah, Shangri-LA ‘s Tanjung Aru Resort & A ; Spa in Kota Kinabalu. Mines Wellnes Hotel in Selangor, Shangri-La ‘s Rasa Ria Resort in Tuaran and Renaissance Kuala Lumpur Hotel. The ASEAN Green Hotel Award 2008 receivers which managed to retain their position were Hotel Melia Kuala Lumpur, Nexus Resort Karambunai in Sabah, Shangri-La ‘s Rasa Sayang Resort & A ; Spa in Penang, Shangri-la ‘s Hotel Kuala Lumpur and The Frangipani Langkawi Resort & A ; Spa. The ASEAN Green Hotel Standard is an indispensable tool to back up ASEAN as a universe category quality finish.Zero Waste Approach – Traveling Beyond Best PracticesThis study discusses several subjects that illustrate ways hotel are going greener. Although implementing the b est patterns saves money, this study shows how to travel beyond best patterns. The end being a friendly hotel is to extinguish every bit much as possible the negative impacts on the environment both by cut downing ingestion of resources and by altering the patterns so that the waste hotel green goods can be used as natural stuff. Achieving zero waste may or may non possible in the foreseeable hereafter. What matters is working towards zero waste by go oning to implement plans as new chances to utilize antecedently wasted stuffs become available. Nowadays a few prima hotels are endeavoring to go zero waste trade names, which does non needfully intend the riddance of all byproduct. It means utilizing resources expeditiously, utilizing renewable resources and when coevals of byproducts is ineluctable, utilizing those byproduct as natural stuff for other procedures. Besides implementing zero waste, energy preservation and H2O preservation besides of import to patterns the green hotel. The cost nest eggs and environmental benefits of the nothing waste enterprise more of import and it takes to establish such a plan. The procedure of making zero waste takes several months to finish with most organisations seeing feasible consequences after the first twelvemonth ( Thayne, 2010 ) . The zero waste procedure must affect every member of the hotel, with a nucleus squad or maneuvering commission supervising the enterprise. To accomplish zero waste hotels must place how much waste exists in the organisation past to the enterprise and work together with the each member of the section to find the sum of waste created in each class. A few prima hotels today are determined to go zero waste trade name, which does non needfully intend the riddance of all by merchandises. It means that utilizing resources expeditiously, utilizing renewable resources and when coevals of by merchandise is ineluctable, utilizing those by merchandises as natural stuff for other procedures ( Abhinav and Rajeshwari, 2001 ) .Environmental Management Practices ( EMP )Over the past decennary many organisation, both in the private and the public sectors, have recognized the value of a systematic attack to the direction of their organisations. Apparently, it might be argued that environmental direction is non an of import issue in the Malayan hotel industry. After all, certain groups might reason that it is impossible for the hotels to be environmentally cognizant due to high investing cost involved. However, upon deeper scrutiny of the topic might uncover that hotels in Malaysia can non avoid facing this issue for long if they are to stay com petitory ( Ahmad, 2007 ) . There is a realisation among many hotels that environmental direction does non merely intend forestalling their milieus from being polluted. Daily operational activities and consideration, which range from the usage of recycled documents to minimising the usage of heavy chemicals besides provide a important cost economy step for hotel ( Hong & A ; Parker, 2004 ) . Environmental direction is a direction model for cut downing environmental impacts and bettering hotel public presentation overtime. In other words, environmental direction provide hotel of all types with a constructions attack for pull offing environmental and regulative duties to better overall environmental public presentation ( Vandermerwe & A ; Oliff, 1990 ) . Environmental direction pattern enterprises consist of several patterns such as holding an environmental policy, preparation and honoring workers to happen chances to forestall pollution, puting corporation broad internal criterions, set abouting internal environmental audits and following the doctrine of entire quality direction in environmental direction ( Khanna & A ; Anton, 2002 ) . In general, environmental direction pattern would include the extent to which a company has defined its environmental policy, developed processs to set up environmental aims, to choose and enforced environmental patterns assessed the result s of such patterns and has allocated environmental duties ( Klassen & A ; Whybark, 1996 ) . Such an force per unit area in the hotel industry would intend that environmental direction should be studied from all proficient and organisational angles so as to cut down the environmental impact caused by a hotel ‘ concern operations. The benefit of following Environmental Management Practices is many-sided. For case, of the streamlining of a hotel ‘s operational activities to be harmonic with environmental demands will accrue nest eggs ( Rondinelli & A ; Vastag, 1995 ) through the bar of environmental debasement in bend taking to cut down cost of production and higher net income ( Pava & A ; Krausz, 1997 ; Russo, Fouts & A ; Paul, 1997 ; Waddoek & A ; Graves, 1997 ) . Ultimately, the execution of Environmental Management Practices ‘ may supply hotels with alone environmental resources operation, capablenesss and benefits that may confabulate a competitory advantage to practicians ( Hart, 1995 ; Klassen & A ; Whybark, 1999 ) . Such benefit may obtain from image benefit, encompassing of eco-tourism and cost economy ( Aalders, 2002 ; Holland & A ; Foo, 2003 ; Kollman, 2001 ; Prakash, 2002 ) .Energy EfficiencyHotels are the largest consumers of energy non merely in constructing building but besides as constitution with complex installings, which provide invitees with high degree of multi-faceted comfort and sole comfortss, intervention and installations. Many of the services provided to hotel invitees are extremely resource intensive whether it concerns energy, H2O or natural stuffs. A important sum of the energy used is wasted go forthing sample for intelligent steps of energy efficiency and preservation ( Joseph, 2009 ) . Since the installing of energy, H2O and natural stuff salvaging techniques in hotels can accomplish environmental advancement and offer competitory advantages to hotels in surpassing their opposite numbers, many new energy salvaging installations have been introduced by the hotel sector in the past few old ages following t echnological progresss ( Willy, 2009 ) . The addition in energy monetary value agencies that energy preservation attempts should be taken to cut down the consequence of energy cost ( Weng Wai, Buang and Abdul Hakim, p.58, 2006 ) . As stated by Yukata Mizuta ( 2003 ) , energy preservation may non merely convey decreases in C dioxide emanation, but may besides take to salvaging in the outgo on energy. On a world-wide footing, the energy used in the hotels is preponderantly fossil fuel based or comes from atomic reactors ( Philip, 2009 ) . A genuinely sustainable hotel must non merely see ways to utilize energy sagely but should besides see the possibilities of heightening the usage of energy from renewable resources. About 40 % of the energy used in a hotel is electricity, 60 % comes from natural gas and oils fuels ( Niki, 2008 ) . These energy carriers are brought in by the hotel. The energy is converted by a figure of transition into the most of import internal flows of energy viz. heat, cold and illuming. Heat is used in t he signifier of hot H2O ; hot H2O is used in the signifier of hot tap H2O. Cold is used chiefly for chilling and drying the airing air, largely cold is produced in the signifier of ice H2O. Figure 1. Energy ingestion that usage in the hotel Lighting is one of the largest electrical energy consumers in the hotels, as in many other sorts of public-service corporation edifices. Figure 1 shows that some 35 % of the entire energy ingestion in hotel goes to illuming. Lighting installing must supply equal degrees of illuming for each activity. Bright and comfort degree are besides of import for illuming inside the hotels, depending on the country where illuming are required. Lighting degrees necessary for each zone are established in the lighting ordinances of each peculiar state. These degrees should be reached by the most suited lamps for each application. When it comes to the energy nest eggs that can be made on lighting, there are two chief ways. Efficient illuming Required lighting is supplied by light resources, which are made up of lamp and leading lights. The pick of light beginning depends on assorted standards, e.g. : efficiency colour temperature, colour representation index, lamp life, emanation modeaˆÂ ¦etc. Lighting in the different countries of the hotels have different demand, but it is really of import that the most efficient lamp is chosen for each application. Smart exchanging Another nest eggs can be achieved with â€Å" smart shift † of illuming. Lighting is often switched on unnecessarily when there is sufficient daytime or there is cipher in the room. With manual operated system particularly, light tend to be left firing needlessly.Water ConservationWater preservation encourage hotel to pull off how and when H2O is being used, manage both the proficient and human side of H2O direction issues. It is estimated that by 2010, H2O usage addition to about 475 gallons per twenty-four hours for each hotel room ( Sarah, 2002 ) .however in other adjustments, H2O utilizations still a cost and an of import emphasis on the local environment. In many instances H2O preservation can be a affair of buying and utilizing the proper systems. Factors that consider H2O beginnings may include renewability, possible impact on the environment and H2O supplies every bit good as economic benefit. Some of developing states, hotel H2O usage may impact the H2O supplies of the local people. Any H2O usage decrease plan must hold full support of the each member of the hotel. Some hotel estimated that merely little per centum of H2O consumed by the invitee, the ba lance is used by the fille de chambres during cleansing. Water is important resources for the cordial reception industry as it limited resource and needed for figure activities as illustrated in figure 2. Figure 2. Hotel H2O system and usage Identifying where H2O usage is utmost of import to hotel in developing countries. With increasing consciousness of cost economy chances through H2O preservation, assorted related plans have been developed and implemented among hotel companies. Harmonizing to Marriott International ( 2007 ) linen reuse plan, promoting invitees to recycle lines and towels during they stay contributes to salvaging 11 to 17 % on hot H2O. Previous literature besides reported that linen and towel reuse plans are well-established patterns in hotel in most states, with more than two-thirds of the respondents in surveies conducted in different states utilizing such plan ( Bohdanowicz, 2006 ; Erdogan and Baris 2007 ; Mensah, 2006 ) . This plan saves non merely hot H2O and energy, but besides reduces the usage of detergents and thereby reduces effluent.Waste ManagementCordial reception industry can go of import factor in the minimisation of waste that is presently disposed of at landfill sites. Waste direction has been designed and implemented to cut down the volume and toxicity of refuse ( Iwanowski and Rushmore, 1994 ) . Erdogan and Barish ( 2007 ) conducted a survey to analyze environmental patterns and found that paper and nutrient waste are the greatest sum of waste generated beginnings of hotels. Previous research indicates that the degree of hotels ‘ committedness to blow screening and recycling varies, depending on regulative force per unit areas and local authorities ‘s support. Waste minimisation and direction involves cut down, reuse and recycling. These attempts combine to minimise the sum of waste disposed and the cost of disposal and aid to guarantee that concluding disposal is done in an sanctioned and sustainable mode. Minimizing waste coevals begins in buying map. Buying in majority, utilizing merchandise manufactured from recycled stuffs, commanding the use of merchandise to avoid waste and working with provider to minimise merchandise packaging are all proved ways to minimise waste coevals ( David, 2002 ) Reuse as a agency of waste decrease has been practiced in the cordial reception industry for many old ages ; beverage container such as those keeping syrup dressed ore and beer kegs are typical. Reuse does non hold to go on on the belongings itself ; used linens can be donated to shelters or other charitable organisations for reuse ( Willy, 2009 ) . Recycling stuffs is better pick than recycling, firing or landfill. Recycling different from recycling, recycling interruptions down an point into the basic parts and makes a new merchandise out of it, but recycling an points keeps the stuff in its original signifier and uses the point over and over once more for the same or different intent. Recycling as a agency of preservation can be turned into gross steam. The monetary value paid for recycled stuffs varies geographically and over clip ( Philip, 2009 ) . A recycled merchandise describes a merchandise that is made wholly or partially from secondary stuff recovered from consumer waste. Some merchandise are reduced to their natural province and remanufactured into something resembling their original province. In the instance of recycled paper, the newspaper gathered from invitee sleeping rooms and the used notepaper coming from the hotel transcript store are reduced back to their natural province of paper mush which is so used to bring forth more paper. Unfortunately, many merchandises recycled in this mode come back as lesser quality merchandise ( David, 2002 ) . Reduce as a means decreasing the sum points or resources that are consumed utilizing the sum that is needed. The illustration of the cut down undertaking that hotel can make is ; cut down the sum and toxicity of rubbish that hotel discard, possibilities include buying lasting, long permanent goods, seeking merchandise and packaging that are as toxin free as possible and redesigning merchandises to utilize fewer natural stuffs in production, last longer or can be used once more after their original intent. Hotel activities should be able to be safely assimilated into natural system, therefore foregrounding the demand of solid and liquid direction techniques Figure 3. Wastage that generated by hotel Solid waste in hotels has many constituents, including paper, nutrient, assorted metals, plastics, aluminium and glass. This gives a image of the assortment of waste that can be produces by merely a little figure of hotels in a metropolis. When looked at with a zero-waste attitude, these figures show the chances for both resource recovery and waste decrease. Implementing a solid waste decrease plan in a hotel can make important cost nest eggs in waste trucking fees while making a more environmentally friendly hotel ( Sarah, 2002 ) . This is particularly true as solid waste becomes a more important environmental issue and landfill fees addition. Frequently hotels hesitate to set up plan in solid direction because of the coordination and cooperation needed among direction, employees and invitees. However the cost benefit is an inducement.Implementing Green EnterprisesWhile many companies and persons talk about ways they can assist the environment, it is still merely a few that are really making a program of action. Meeting Professionals International or MPI took its first measure in 2006 at the Professional Education Conference, a convention of run intoing contrivers from around the universe. MPI worked with the convention centre to recycle merchandises from the meeting by donating leftover nutrient bank, donating marks to local schools for art undertakings and utilizing green providing for conference events ( Gardner, 2006 ) . These are simple ways to add a green enterprise to the hotel and integrate a no waste pattern at small cost. One manner meeting contrivers can larn what a hotel provides in term of green pattern is by puting green petition into the petition for proposal. Some contrivers are inquiring for recycling plans to be in topographic point. Planners are besides bespeaking that hotels have complete green plans in topographic point or their hotel will non be chosen for an event ( Gardner, 2006 ) Banquet Department Harmonizing to Nancy Wilson of Meeting Strategies Worldwide, these are some stairss that can be taken to green the hotel: Use e-mail alternatively of paper mail Use an online enrollment system Forgo passing out conference bags unless they are made of recycled stuffs A truly interesting idea is to take hotels either near the airdrome or shut to all activities associating to the meeting ( Gardner, 2006 ) . This will restrict C dioxide emanations by restricting the demand for vehicular transit from one location to the following. As for nutrient service, the feast section should update how nutrient and java interruptions are presented to the invitee. Alternatively of separately wrapped Sweets, honey, jams and picks, the hotel needs to exchange to bulk containers that can be reused many times, making less rubbish ( McPhee, 2006 ) . In add-on, alternatively of street arab utensils, silverware should be supplied to stir java and tea. Refillable H2O jugs that can be set up periodically throughout the meeting infinite with existent spectacless available should be used in topographic point of bottled H2O. Changing the lighting to energy efficient bulbs in the meeting infinite, fittingness centre and employee merely countries of the hotel will be high precedence. Groups have specific illuming demands for the meeting infinite, but the fittingness centre and back of house do non necessitate to hold many different types of illuming. Fortunately, there are many new efficient bulbs that can now be dimmed and adjusted to the groups ‘ demands in the event infinite ( Fedrizzi and Rogers, 2002 ) . The more intense undertaking will be put ining gesture detectors throughout the meeting infinite and back of house. These countries are used for a big sum of clip each twenty-four hours, but there are times when no 1 would be in the countries at all. If the detectors could turn the visible radiation on and off when person walks in or out of a room by observing organic structure heat, so the energy would be cut down in comparing to when the visible radiations are left on continuously ( Serlen, 2008 ) . Guest Room The invitee room is a hard location to implement alterations, as it requires the invitee to believe what the hotel would wish to alter. If the invitee wants new sheets each twenty-four hours, so the hotel most likely will compel the invitee to do them happy. That being said, many enterprises can be taken to do it easy for the invitee to take part in the new policies. Another facet is how to salvage energy in empty invitee suites. Harmonizing to Jeff Sobieski ( 2008 ) , hotel guestrooms are unoccupied about 60 % of the clip. This mean that for 60 % of the clip, the hotel can be in control of the temperature and lighting of a guestroom and pull off how much energy is being used during that clip without interfering with the invitee ‘s comfort. The following are two illustrations of energy salvaging scenarios that can take topographic point in invitee suites. The first is to alter visible radiation bulbs to energy efficient visible radiation bulbs that will last long and use less power. The other alteration is the â€Å" turn off ‘ plan. This plan will hold the Thermostat linked to the hotel database so the temperature can alter when the guest cheque in and out. This system can besides reset itself anytime the guest leaves the room ( Freed, 2008 ) . Besides, if the room has a balcony, anytime the balcony door opens, the temperature will reset itself. Ran in concurrence with the 2nd scenario, the â€Å" turn off † plan, hotels can utilize in-room tenancy sensors. These sensors use organic structure heat detectors to scan the room to look into is a invitee has entered or exited the room. Once it detects that person is in the room, the system will return the temperature of the room back to the invitee ‘s penchant. The detectors can besides be used as a manner to maintain the visible radiations from being left on all twenty-four hours and dark. If there is no motion in a present sum of clip, the detectors can describe database that it is All right to turn off the visible radiations. While this will salvage energy, some guest prefers to walk into a room with light. This can be fixed by holding a hall light bend on when the forepart door opens so the invitee is non come ining a dark room. This can be managed by a detector or by a connexion between the door and the visible radiation ( Hanna, 2008 ) . Restaurant The countries of eating house and kitchens that are non seen by invitees can salvage energy through a survey of how the contraptions are used and comparing that to how they are supposed to be used. The chief manner to salvage energy in the kitchens is to learn the staff the proper manner to utilize the equipment ( Jones, 2002 ) . For illustration teach the staff to shut the icebox door when non in usage. In add-on, maintaining the equipment cleaned and maintained will do certain that the equipment is running at its best degree ; this will assist guarantee the lowest sum of energy would be used ( Lawn, 2008 ) The thought of replacing the contraptions in the laundry country besides can be applied to hotel kitchens. For illustration, a new energy star steam cooker can be 60 % more efficient than the regular theoretical accounts available ( Brodsky, 2005 ) . This type of nest eggs can be applied to all the contraptions. Housekeeping or Laundry The energy salvaging in the laundry country will necessitate some installation of new contraptions and systems. While there will be an initial cost associated with the new contraptions, it will salvage energy in the long tally. The first alteration will be to put in new gas driers that can dry cloth more rapidly and utilize less energy. The other new system is a heat recovery unit that can salvage the heat from the old H2O rhythm in the wash and reassign the heat to the clean H2O being used in the following rhythm ( Fedrizzi and Rogers, 2002 ) . Both of these options are making new ways to conserve energy, but non altering the existent procedure of making wash. The hotel ‘s housekeeping staff would be responsible for watching for leaks throughout all invitee suites and hotel infinite. Harmonizing to Ashwin Patel ( 2008 ) , a individual leak can blow 10,000 litres yearly ; all sinks, showers and lavatories need to be checked for leaks. These are initial measure and easy holes that can be taken while waiting for larger enterprises to take topographic point.Expectation from Green HotelFor many old ages, the hotel industry was loath to admit any important influence on the natural milieus. Hotel edifices for the illustration, due to their very specific and alone map and operational form, by and large have a much larger ecological impact than other commercial edifices of similar size. At the same clip, the well being and development of the touristry and the hotel industry relies to a great extent on the handiness of clean, natural environment ( Paulina, Branko and Ivo, 2004 ) The most of import side consequence of traveling green is to make a more sustainable environment. This is the chief end of all the aforesaid enterprises. Besides, the illustrations of alterations have shown the nest eggs that can be achieved for the hotel. However, one chief positive facet may look a small selfish. There are many grounds why company chooses to make the undertakings they do, and for the most portion it is because the hotel wants to be viewed positively by client or invitee. Harmonizing to Patrick Hartman and Vanessa Ibanez ( 2006 ) , if the trade name is considered green, so consumers are willing to pay more for that merchandise. This allows the hotel to experience as if they are making something good for the environment while go toing the conference they planned on attention. Hypothesis 1: Hotel that operate green patterns will ensue in the betterment of operational costs and less of net income Hypothesis 2: